Sunday 3 June 2012

My Cooking Journey Begins!

A cooking blog is a lot more difficult for me to start than my math and travel blogs. So I'm going to start by introducing why I'm making a blog about cooking.

When I'm stressed, I love to bake. The smell of baked goods calms me down. I love to eat sweets, which is probably one of the reasons I'm here. After years of feeling uncomfortable with my body, I realized that I need to take action -- I can't keep blaming my appearance and my weight on not being able to find the time to be healthy. Over the past few months, I've been trying to cook healthier foods and cut down on the junk food.

I'm sure I'm not the first one to say that it's TOUGH.

It was tough trying to cook healthier, simply because the unhealthy stuff tasted soooo much better! I picked up a few cookbooks to attempt to find fun recipes that I could make without spending ridiculous amounts of money. I found a few that I'm a fan of, but I change them up depending on what I feel like. For example, I'm not a huge fan of tofu, so when one recipe called for tofu noodles, I couldn't do it (and I'm a huge pasta fan, so it was tough trying to change meals that involved pasta). I tried a few different healthy pastas, and I found one that I liked. So when recipes call for tofu noodles, I replace that with my white whole wheat Smart pasta, in a smaller amount, and increase the amount of veggies I use.

Just by making simple, manageable changes to my diet, I have been able to lose 8lbs over 3 short weeks (and note, I have not been exercising -- I might take an occasional walk once a week, but otherwise, I'm working/volunteering/doing school work while sitting on the couch).

This blog is intended to be my motivation to keep eating healthy, while at the same time being a place where I can keep my favourite recipes and share them with like-minded people.

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